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RDI Excellence from Finland

​FARIA serves as a strategic network and funding mechanism, which enables concerted and
joint action of higher education institutions and other relevant stakeholders in Finland and the US. The network focuses on research areas where Finnish academics are amongst the leading researchers in the world. The main goal of FARIA is to initiate joint RDI projects aimed at cutting-edge research and innovation together with American partners.

FARIA as Partner and Impact Amplifyer:

Finnish-American collaboration on many levels, also in research, development and innovation, is nothing new. Many organizations are active, have strong merits, and deserve recognition for the excellent work year in, year out. FARIA does not compete with established structures but rather seeks to amplify impact by partnering, bringing stakeholder organizations even closer together and continiously encouraging alignment and collaboration between actors.

We are proud to count many important stakeholder organizations as our friends, supporters and collaborators, such as e.g. the Team Finland Knowledge Network, Fulbright Finland Foundation, Amcham Finland, Business Finland, the Academy of Finland, the Finnish Association of Research Managers and Advisors, several AoF flagships and ministries.   

The FARIA-network contributes to:

  • increased global visibility of excellence in Finnish research and innovation

  • increased collaboration between Finnish and American RDI-relevant organizations

  • the formation of a joint, large-scale RDI-network that brings together the activities of higher education institutions for RDI cooperation

  • strengthening the opportunities for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education in selected research areas by strengthening cooperation between universities and companies

  • increased mobility of research staff

As one of eight regional pilots is FARIA part of the "Internationalization Program" initiated by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

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