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FARIA uses cookies and other such technologies on its website. This cookie policy will further explain the use of cookies on this website.

1. What is a cookie and why is it used?

A cookie is a small file or part of a file stored on a World Wide Web user's computer, created and subsequently read by a website server, and containing personal information (such as a user identification code, customized preferences, or a record of pages visited). Using cookies, JavaScript and server logs, statistics regarding the website are collected. Examples of statistics gathered include the number of users on the site, the country of access, the date and time of access, the browser used and the content that the user has accessed. A cookie does not harm the accessing device.

Cookies are used to make content recommendations, analyze and develop the website and speed up its use.

2. The types of cookies FARIA uses uses two types of cookies: first-party cookies (cookies set by FARIA) and third-party cookies (cookies set by a party other than FARIA, but through the website).

2.1 First-Party Cookies
First-party cookies enable website functionality. They also include web analytics cookies that give information on how the website is used to help further website development.

2.2 Third-Party Cookies
Third-party cookies refer to cookies set by other parties than FARIA. These third parties may set cookies for the users of the website when they access it, for example to maintain statistics on the number of users that access the site.

2.3 Social Plug-Ins
FARIA makes uses of software add-ins known as social plug-ins, such as the Share function in Facebook, which can be used to share the content of the website in social media. Such social media services use your personal data in accordance with the terms that they have set for data protection. You can access the terms for the protection of personal data on the following social media services here:
Facebook Privacy Policy
Twitter Privacy Notice
LinkedIn Privacy Policy
Instagram Data Policy
WhatsApp Privacy Policy
Google Privacy Policy

3. Affecting the data gathered by cookies

3.1 Removing cookies from a browser
By removing cookies from your browser, you can change the identification tag with which a profile regarding your behavior is created. This does not stop information from being gathered or block behavioral advertising, but creates a new profile separate from your previous behavioral statistics. Instructions on removing the cookies from your browser can be found in every browser.
Internet Explorer

3.2 Blocking the use of cookies
You may block the use of cookies by blocking them from being saved on your browser. Please note that this may adversely affect the usability of the website.

3.3 Blocking the behavioral advertising of third parties
You can block behavioral advertising, either entirely or on a company-by-company basis, utilizing the Your Online Choices website (

4. Contact
For more information on our Cookie policy, please contact FARIA queries [at]

For more information on the processing of your personal data, please contact FARIA's data protection officer Jérôme Rickmann jerome.rickmann [at]

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